Libero PDF loggerek
Figyelje a több ezer hideglánc-szállítást a lehető legegyszerűbben, leggyorsabban telepítés vagy konfigurálás nélkül. Az ELPRO bevált PDF adatgyűjtő családja a szállítás közbeni élettudományi monitoring termékek teljes skáláját lefedi, ideértve a hűtőt, a CRT-t, a szárazjeget, a páratartalmat és a kriogenikát.

Libero CB
PDF Logger with internal NTC probe, single use, 2 temperature limits, alarm on MKT and logging time Connection: USB, generates PDF with alarm statistics and graph Expiry date according to label (auto-expiry) Delivered in boxes of 40 pieces

Libero CS
Multi-level PDF Logger with internal NTC probe, single use, up to 8 temperature alarm zones, alarm on MKT and logging time Delivered in boxes of 40 pieces Connection: USB, generates PDF with alarm statistics and graph Expiry date according to label (auto-expiry)

Libero CD
Multi-level PDF Logger with internal probe for direct placement in dry ice. Single use / Measuring range: -95 °C..+50 °C; Up to 8 temperature alarm zones, and alarm on logging time; Connection: USB, generates PDF with alarm statistics and graph; Expiry date according to label (auto-expiry)
Libero CE
Bluetooth® USB PDF Logger for external Pt100 probes (M8 connector), measuring range: -200 °C..+400 °C, 8 temperature alarm zones, alarm on MKT and alarm on duration/time, multi-use device, lifetime: up to 3 years (depending on use of Bluetooth® connection), memory capacity: 75'500 values, interface: USB and Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE).