Libero PDF Loggerek bluetooth kapcsolattal
A LIBERO CE / CL / CH a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) technológiát használja az adatok vezeték nélküli továbbításához, támogatva az ultra-alacsony hőmérsékletű alkalmazások folyamatok-automatizálását. A teljes LIBERO C családhoz hasonlóan a BLE adatgyűjtők is kompatibilisek a LIBERO Cloud adatbázis-megoldással.

Libero CE
Bluetooth® USB PDF Logger for external Pt100 probes (M8 connector), measuring range: -200 °C..+400 °C, 8 temperature alarm zones, alarm on MKT and alarm on duration/time, multi-use device, lifetime: up to 3 years (depending on use of Bluetooth® connection), memory capacity: 75'500 values, interface: USB and Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE)

Libero CL
Bluetooth USB PDF Logger with internal temperature probe, measuring range: -30 °C..+70 °C, 8 temperature alarm zones, alarm on MKT and alarm on duration/time, multi-use device, lifetime: up to 3 years (depending on BLE usage), memory capacity: 75'500 values, interface: USB and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Libero CH
Bluetooth USB PDF Logger with internal temperature/humidity probe, measuring range: -30 °C..+70 °C / 0% RH..100% RH, 8 temperature alarm zones, alarm on MKT and alarm on duration/time, 2 humidity thresholds with alarm delay, multi-use device, lifetime: up to 3 years (depending on BLE usage), memory capacity: 37'750 temperature and 37'750 humidity values, interface: USB and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).